All about the beef: Wagyu and Kobe I’m sure you’ve heard of “Wagyu” and “Kobe” beef and are wondering what the difference is. Wagyu is the breed of cow used to produce Kobe style beef. Called Kobe if raised in the Kobe region, Wagyu if raised out of the country....
Everyone knows I really like making skewers. I mean, who doesn't love meat on a stick? In Southeast Asian cuisine, there's a popular dish called satay that consists of meat or vegetables that have been seasoned, skewered and grilled and served on a stick. This recipe...
You never know when or where you next adventure is going to find you. My latest adventure found me grilling down in the keys on a Tandoori Grill called the Homdoor grill learning to make Indian inspired dishes on the grill. This just goes to show that grilling truly...
With summer on its way out and football season around the corner, it's time to break out some delicious tailgate certified recipes to bid summer farewell. But on the bright side, we can welcome a new season of pigskin, foam fingers and body paint. Here is a tasty Baja...
Introducing a new contributor to Chef Troy Gagliardo from my hometown of Charlotte, NC. Troy is a big griller and hosts “Tuesdays with Troy” on Fox Charlotte’s News Rising Show. Give Troy a warm welcome and check out his recipe for Grilled Yellow Squash...
One of my favorite things to make on the grill is pizza. Your grill is like a pizza oven and you can essentially bake your dough on the grates much like a pizza bakes in a hot coal brick oven. I got the chance to tour the kitchen at Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza to see...
Wow. You guys really outdid yourself on this one. So much so that I had to pick 2 winners!! See all the comments on the original contest post to see all the honorable mentions including a whiskey cream sauce, cedar planked salmon with Jack, and some great Jack infused...
I love getting feedback and recipes from my readers, especially from fellow girls on the grill, so I'm glad to post this yummy smoked amberjack fish spread recipe from Barbara Bellack. Smoked Fish Dip is one of the best things about living in Florida in my opinion,...
My good BBQ friend Larry, author of the BBQ Grail (tag line “a normal guy and his queorder viagra onlinest for the perfect BBQ experience”), is doing a poll from his readers on the “25 Undeniable BBQ Truths”. If you have ever heard of the...
I love grilling and I love cocktails so when I learned all about the concept of grilled cocktails it was a GAME CHANGER for me! You may recall in previous posts that I learned about the “Grilled Cocktails” food trend while attending Kingsford University...