Have you ever asked yourself, what's the proper internal temp for chicken, pork or ground beef? Or, what is the internal temperature for a medium rare steak?! With the BBQ Calculator on GrillGirl.com, you can easily find the right temperature for whatever protein or...
Being married to a duck hunter, I eat a LOT, I mean, A LOT of duck. I've thought about starting a Duck Hunter's wives support group but that's another another story! LOL. The key to cooking duck is to not overcook it! It should be served medium rare to ensure it...
What is a Smoker Temperature Controller and why do you need one? Okay, let's talk about the Flame Boss Smoker Controller and how it will ensure you have a perfect cook without having to stand next to your grill ALL DAY. …… I’m always excited to see a new...
Let's talk about grill marks. How do you get them, and are grill marks better than a seared brown crust on your steak? For years and years, the crosshatch grill marks seared into a nice cut of steak have been the pride of grillmasters all over the world. The...
The motivation for this Mighty Mezcal Mint Cocktail was inspired by the Kentucky Derby and my feeling that I SHOULD like Mint Juleps, yet simply don’t enjoy the bourbon-based drink. But I DO like Mezcal and I do like mint, so I went from there for this variation on a...