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A hankerin' for Pimento cheese

Lately I’ve been embracing my Southern Roots (many of you may not know, I grew up all over the South- I was born in Mississippi, spent the majority of my formative years in Charlotte, NC, have lived in almost every state in the South and spent 7 years in Atlanta after college). Not living in the South anymore (South Florida is hardly the South!), I sometimes get these hankerings for dishes that are distinctively Southern. Like biscuits, or grits, or fried pickles (here is my fake fried pickles recipe, these are awesome!!) Anyway, the craving for Pimento Cheese popped up and I thought, what a wonderful topping for a burger. Paired with bacon and Jalapenos of course!

I used Garden and Gun’s Pimento Cheese recipe, but you can choose to use your favorite. If you must do store bought (and most grocery stores in the south do make their own version but I find them to be too laden in mayo), I recommend Palmetto Cheese, found in most parts of the Eastern US. For those of you who are not familiar with Pimento Cheese, it is like the caviar of the South- it is a creamy spread of sharp cheddar cheese, pimento cheese, mayo (you can only use Duke’s mayo!) and a dash or cayenne and Tabasco… You'll find it at many a tailgate or party….

Side Note:

Please excuse the less than stellar photo. If you follow my blog you know that I’m living through a massive whole house renovation right now and it is hard to find a good spot to get a good photo. Coupled with daylight savings time, it is nearly impossible.

I know what your thinking- “you're GrillGirl, you grill everything, no big deal not having a kitchen.” That’s not it. It’s that even the outside has no electricity- (no light!) and currently there is a big hole in the ground next to the grills where we are redoing plumbing, and everything is in a state of disarray and covered in an inch of dust. Plus, I have no where to do any prep. So, when I bring dishes to you these days, it is no small feat! Just finding tools and ingredients is a major undertaking- then I have to trek outside, over a big hole in the floor in the kitchen where they are laying plumbing, outside, wipe down a layer of dust… Doing dishes in the garage on the other side of the house…it is tiring making even the most simple of meals! But I do know the end result will be amazing.

Baby Lindars is getting ready for his debut in May. Currently my food cravings include Chili, keylime pie (but I crave that all the time anyway) and sweet potato casserole. Nothing too crazy.

Baby Lindars is preparing for his debut in May. Currently my food cravings include Chili, keylime pie (but I crave that all the time anyway) and sweet potato casserole. Nothing too crazy.


And, I have another surprise.

While we’ve been working on this major house project- we are embarking on a life changing project. I’m preggers! Yes, that is right I have a little future Grillmaster growing in my tummy! Our expected due date is May 25th- when our lives will change forever! Scott is of course pretty excited to have a boy but we would be happy with a healthy baby, regardless of sex. So, I’m trying to get my sleep now before that will all change in May!

Without Further Ado, Bacon, Jalapeno and Pimento Cheese burgers!

pimento cheese burger

Bacon, Pimento Cheese and Jalapeño Burgers

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Author: Robyn


  • 1 lb ground beef I use grassfed, hormone free
  • 3 jalapenos
  • 1 tbsp olive oil for sautéing Jalapenos
  • 8 strips bacon
  • 2 cups pimento cheese I recommend Garden and Gun’s pimento Cheese recipe.
  • 4 onion rolls or buns of your choice


  • Go ahead and make your Pimento cheese or have it ready to go if it is store bought.
  • Preheat your grill to 350 degrees for direct heat. In the meantime, go ahead and core your jalapenos and remove the seeds. Chop them up in ¼” slices and sauté quickly in olive oil while your grill is heating up.
  • Microwave your bacon strips for 3 minutes or until crispy.
  • Now the grill should be ready. Take your beef and make 4 patties, put an indentation in the middle with your finger which will help the burger stay flat and not turn into balls on the grill.
  • Grill your burgers until they have reached an internal temp of 140 degrees for a medium burger (I recommend using an internal read digital thermometer such as the thermapen to quickly test temps).
  • Let the burgers rest for 5-10 minutes so they can reabsorb the juices. Once you remove the burgers, shut the grill down and add your buns to toast while the meat rests.
  • Layer 1/3 cup of pimento cheese, bacon, and jalapenos on the burgers. Add your favorite fixins- note the pimento cheese already has mayo so taste the burger before you decide to add ketchup or mustard, it probably won’t need it!.
  • Enjoy a trifecta of - creamy pimento cheese coupled with bacon and the spice of jalapenos. YUM!


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Smoked Goose on the Big Green Egg

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