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Biscuits are one of the first food memories I have. I grew up all over the South, and in my earliest years I lived in the Deep South, in Jackson, MS where I remember my Grandma Sylvia made drop biscuits every day (fun fact, I was born in Tupelo, MS, same town as Elvis!). In the old South, people would make biscuits every day. My Grandma Sylvia had a knack for whipping up the best batch of biscuits, that were always fluffy and flaky, the perfect vehicle for butter and jelly.

The other day I randomly whipped up a batch of biscuits, only Paleo style this time. I think of biscuits as the ultimate comfort food, but the guilt I feel when eating a biscuit made out of bleached flour which is totally lacking any nutrition, overrides the enjoyment I feel about them. What is great about these is that they are totally guilt free! High in protein, and great smeared with a little honey- now you can have your biscuits and eat them too!

This is what used to be our bathroom (husband Scott holding the sledgehammer)

This is what used to be our bathroom (husband Scott holding the sledgehammer)

SIDE NOTE: The past few months have been pretty tough in various ways. I think whipping up a batch of biscuits was therapeutic for me. As many of you know, my dog died recently and it has been pretty rough on me. In addition, we’ve been installing a pool while also embarking on a massive house renovation of our bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, new roof, new AC system- pretty major. Scott and I have been doing demotion for the past few weekends, while I’ve also been nursing an irritated nerve that’s been causing numbness and tingling in my fingers (and for a bit, in my face). And my sales have been TERRIBLE at work this quarter. Needless to say, things have been stressful. These biscuits have been a comforting, guilt free indulgence that makes everything seem okay.

Gracie, laying under Mr Connors portrait. Interesting!

Gracie, laying under Mr Connors portrait. Interesting!

And on another note, we have a new addition in the Lindars house. Her name is Gracie. 4 days after Connor died, she showed up outside my office. The next day, she was staring into the glass door, totally un-phased by the 2 dogs. We let the door open and she walked right in as if she owned the place. Oddly enough she went and laid on the pillow right under Mr. Connor’s portrait in the guest bedroom. And she has the same markings as he did- white with black spots and a black face. And she lays in all his old spots. So….I always said I was not a cat person but I guess I am cat person now. I’ve always thought cats were aloof and had a lot of attitude, but this little sweetie has changed my mind about cats.

Gracie, hanging out at the bar.

Gracie, hanging out at the bar.

She makes me laugh everyday, and I feel like God blessed me with her, which is why her name is Gracie –she is a gift from God. She is not a replacement of Connor by any means, but she adds a totally new element to the house and is quite entertaining and sweet too. So, in short, Scott and I have been adopted by a sassy and sweet kitten. Never say never!

paleo drop biscuits, gluten free biscuits, grain free biscuits

Paleo Drop Biscuits

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Author: Robyn


  • 2 cups + one tblsp of almond meal/flour
  • ½ cup coconut milk or regular milk
  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Next, mix all ingredients together until uniformly mixed. Lay parchment paper down on a cookie sheet so your biscuits do not stick. Next, using a tablespoon, drop the batter onto the cookiesheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes (times could vary by oven) or until the tops have begun to brown and the biscuits are golden. How great would these be as the vehicle for a bacon sandwich?! OMG!
paleo drop biscuits, gluten free biscuits, grain free biscuits

I love this vintage “Florida” hankerchief I found on Etsy. Look at the fun water skiiers on the bottom right corner.