Seafood Recipes
Delicious seafood recipes to prepare on your grill or smoker.
Grill Girl Robyn has compiled a fantastic selection of seafood recipes that will have you cooking up a storm. Whether you're after something simple and straightforward or something a little more adventurous, there's sure to be something here to suit your needs. So get ready to experience the best that seafood has to offer!
Citrus Chili Whitefish Grilled in Banana Leaves
Well, it’s just not that normal to have banana leaves in your backyard. Unless, of course, you happen to live in South Florida or another place in the tropics.
Grilled Oysters with Jalapeno Butter Sauce
There's not too much to grilling oysters, and thank God for that. I like to leave the high maintenance stuff to other people (!!!) Grilled Oysters with Jalapeno Butter Sauce Jalapeno Butter Sauce1/2 cup white wine1/3 cup butter6 cloves garlic1-2 minced...
Conch Salad, Bahamian Ceviche
I was recently in Bimini, the Northernmost Island of the Bahamas, where it is a rite of passage, so to speak, to try the Conch Salad while there. You can find conch shells literally in every nook and cranny of this island that is only 50 miles from Fort Lauderdale, as...

Sunshine State of Mind Craft BBQ Rub & Cocktail Rimmer
Accentuates proteins and veggies with notes of Kaffir lime, orange peel, Himalayan salt, granulated honey and coriander and is equally at home on the rim of your favorite cocktail!

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