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Every Monday night the South Florida Food Trucks come to Hollywood's Young Circle - Arts Park.

Down here in South Florida we are very lucky to have a large fleet of diverse Food Trucks coming to your town, or a town very near you!

So many trucks- which one should I try?

As a resident of Hollywood, I am totally psyched that the food trucks are now coming to Young Circle every Monday night at 5:30. Now awesomely diverse street food is only a bike ride away for me! If you've never been to quaint downtown Hollywood or their “Arts Park” at Young Circle, this is the perfect place to have a Food Truck meet up as you've got huge trees providing a shady canopy for a great Food Truck picnic on the grass lawn.

The Rolling Stove, home of the Jerked Dr Pepper Braised Brisket Sandwich.

There are so many food trucks that I haven't had a chance to try all of them, so I will keep you updated as I eat my way through the line up.

My first foray into the line up was a Jerked Brisket sandwich from The Rolling Stove. This was not just any sandwich, this might be the best Brisket sandwich I have ever had. The brisket was braised in a Jerked DDR Pepper BBQ Sauce that had a nice kick and the brisket was melt in your mouth-perfectly-cooked. I've eaten a lot of competition BBQ brisket in my day and I

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would put theirs in the line up any day. YOU MUST TRY THIS SANDWICH!

Take a bite of this yummy sammy!

My second tasting adventure was the duck sandwich and kimchee egg rolls from Sakaya Kitchen. If you are an Asian Fusion fan, their food is for you. I love duck and kimchee and had never thought about putting kimchee into an egg roll! Thank you for the cooking inspiration!

Cool looking truck and concept at the Red Koi Lounge- I want to give this one a try next.

Latin Burger was one of the first food trucks on the Miami Food Truck Scene.

South Florida's own Burger Beast has now created a Food Truck Tracker App so you can keep up to date on the whereabouts of all your favorite food trucks!

Burger Beast has come out with a Food Truck Tracker so you can stay up to date on whereabouts of your favorite food trucks in South Florida.

If you have a Favorite Food Truck and their fare you want featured on, drop me a line and I'll do my best to show them some love! πŸ™‚ I heart Food Trucks!
