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Bacon Cheddar Sliders with BBQ Bacon Remoulade

Author: Robyn


  • ¾ pound prime ground beef
  • Pinch of kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 12 small slices of cheddar cheese
  • 12 mini burger buns
  • Remoulade recipe below
  • Cooked bacon your favorite kind - I used a cured maple one
  • Sliced cooked onions about 1/2 a cup - I cooked mine in some of the leftover bacon fat


  • Preheat grill or grill pan.
  • Put the ground beef in a bowl and season with a generous pinch of salt and pepper. Mix together with your hands to combine.
  • Take a small amount (about 2 tablespoons worth) of the ground beef and roll it in the palm of your hand like you are making meatballs. Flatten the top slightly and put the mini burger patties on a side plate.
  • Drizzle the burgers with oil and season the tops with salt and pepper. Turn the burgers over and season the other side.
  • Place the burgers on the hot grill. Cook for 3 minutes, then turn them over.
  • Place slices of cheddar cheese on top of the burgers, allowing it to melt.
  • While that’s cooking, put the buns on the grill. Let them toast slightly on both sides, about 2 minutes total time.
  • To put the burgers together: Put the toasted buns on a platter. Top each with a small spoonful of Remoulade.
  • Put the burger on top (cheese side up), add the cooked onions and bacon.

Remoulade | Yield: 1 cup

  • Combine 3/4 cup of store-bought or home made Thousand Island dressing with 2 tablespoons of bottled barbecue sauce and a little bit of cooked onion (I cooked the onions in some of the leftover bacon fat). Stir to combine.