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Honey badger BBQ Sauce

Honey Badger BBQ Sauce- it's bad-ass!!

Everyone loves the Honey Badger Youtube Video. It's just so funny, how can you not? So when I heard about Honey Badger BBQ

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Sauce and its Bad Ass bottle, I knew I had to try some. The guys that started the sauce company are trying to get venture funding to produce a large batch of their sauce and the intricate bottle- your pledge for a bottle can help them make goal! If you want to support a fun project and a cool group of entrepreneurs – then consider giving Honey Badget a try (I love to support a great idea!). The taste of honey combined with badass habenero makes for a kickass sauce. Check them out on to give them a shot. I've tried a sample of the sauce and I really like the kick it gave to grilled chicken.

Their video is pretty darn funny too! Check it out on their kicktstarter page.