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How to Grill Tomahawk Steak

The best way to grill a Tomahawk steak is to use the Reverse Sear Method, add some wood chips for smoke flavor, use GrillGrates for perfect char marks and to ensure even cooking, drizzle with butter, and start with high quality meat in the first place.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Total Time45 minutes
Course: Beef, Steak, Steak Dinner, Tomahawk Steak
Cuisine: American
Keyword: How to Grill Tomahawk Steak
Servings: 2 -3 steaks (depending on thickness)
Author: Robyn


  • 1 tomahawk steak- I prefer Prime or Wagyu from Snake River Farms
  • wood chips or chunks - I prefer Cherry Oak or Maple
  • 2 tsp kosher sea salt
  • 2 tsp fresh ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • optional 1 tsp food grade charcoal powder
  • Butter- for basting the steak
  • 1 stick Kerrygold or Grassfed butter
  • 2 cloves smashed garlic
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • dash salt


  • Prepare your grill for 2 zone grilling- direct and indirect with the direct side getting up to 450 degrees and the GrillGrates on the Direct zone. Rub your steak with the charcoal (optional), paprika, salt and pepper evenly on both sides. Next, add your wood chips to your grill (I add them to the side where they will hit the coals but not burn up right away so they have time to smoke) and let them begin to smoke. Add your tomahawk and let it cook on indirect until you've gotten 10 degrees under your desired temp. While the steak is on indirect, put your butter ingredients in your cast iron pot on the indirect side and let the butter melt. Once you've reached your baseline temp of 10 degrees under your desired temp, put the tomahawk on the grill grates and let them sear for 1-2 minutes. Then place them the opposite side (same side) to get a crosshatch char mark. Baste with lots of butter. After a total of no more than 4 minutes, repeat on the other side. Test your internal temp with your meat thermometer to ensure you are not going over and remove immediately after searing. Tent under foil for 10 minutes before cutting the bone off and slicing into the ribeye. Serve with additional remaining butter.


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