Goodbye Mr. Connor, God took you away from us way too soon. I wish we had more time with you and I feel blessed with the time I've had for the past 11 years. I love you so much.
Scott and I are deeply saddened to report that we lost a crucial member of our pack on Saturday. The vet thought Connor had a blockage in his stomach and needed to do surgery. We were thinking positive and that is was a piece of chew toy and then he would be fine again. However, when the vet got in he found that he had stomach cancer and that it had started to spread to his other organs. We had to make the decision to let him go peacefully as his prognosis was grim, and recovery from such a major surgery would not be easy either.
We are still in shock and dismay at how we have lost our dog who just 4 days ago seemed the picture of great health. He was only eleven years old and we were mentally preparing ourselves for Haley as she has been in decline the past months. We are beyond devastated. Connor was my little side kick, he followed me everywhere like my shadow and was the sweetest, most sensitive, empathetic and loyal dog. When Scott and I would both work from home he would lay an equal distance in between us both as he wanted to be loyal to both of us. He was the laid back little guy that balanced the pack out with two alpha females in the crew. When I took them to doggie day care he would protect his little sister Chloe from the other dogs who would pick on her. He loved to swim and fetch coconuts with Haley and I was excited about spending time in our new pool with him. He would just sit in the pool to cool off and I envisioned the new sun shelf as our place to hang out together.
I know we gave him a great life full of walks to the lake, swim sessions, trips to the mountains and Frisbee time. We feel a huge void here at the Lindars house as he was a special, unique dog. He was Mr. Social Butterfly and liked everyone he met and really rounded out our pack. I guess I’m especially heartbroken as he was a “momma’s boy” and really did go everywhere with me.

Connor, I miss you so much. You will live in my heart forever. You were the best friend a girl could have.
This was so unexpected and I feel like a huge piece of my heart has been torn out. He will always be in our hearts and I am thankful for every day we have had with him. He was the best dog a person could have, the kind people make movies out of. My only solace is knowing that we will one day see him in heaven and we can reunite. We Love you so much Mr. Connor. We miss you everyday. We are devastated to lose you.
- “Dad, throw the coconut for me!”
- Connor in his “Sporty” vest.
- Welcoming Dad coming in on the boat at Sailors Point.
- Best Buds.
- Going to Sailors point!
- Connor loved the wind in his fur.
- My handsome boy.
- The three amigos!!
- Thundervest crew
- In his bowtie
- Connors favorite window spot to stand guard…
- Car ride with Chloe
- Car ride with Mom.
- Connor giving me kisses during our car trip to the Everglades.
- Haley and Connor fetching coconuts at the beach in Islamorada
- The crew: Haley, Connor and Chloe. I was the buy 1 get 3 free package when Scott and I met 6 years ago.
so sorry for your loss
So very sorry to hear of the unexpected loss of your dear companion…..
I’m so sorry for your loss. You can never really prepare yourself for such a thing. I love my Moxy as if she were my child. Our loyal pets become like our children. The very best to you and your family.
That story made me tear up. My dogs are like our kids and we never want anything to happen to them. I am sure he is in a better place now watching out for your from above.
Wow, Robyn. As a fellow dog-owner, my heart breaks for you. I dread the day that we have to experience that kind of pain. Sending warm thoughts your way.
So very sorry for your loss!
So sorry for your loss. Pets become such a part of the family. He was a beautiful boy.
Sorry you lost Mr. Connor. He looks like a cool dog.
That’s a very nice tribute to him that you wrote. I liked the image of him laying halfway between you and Scott.
I love the puppy tribute, I have a MR too, no one gets it, so sorry, I know we will see them again. We can feel lucky to have had them as long as we have. They do leave paw prints in our hearts!!! HUGS!
So sorry for your loss so suddenly. He looks a lot like my boy Tator and the same age. Best friend just isn’t enough to describe the love of dogs for a lot of us. Hug the rest of your pack extra tight.
So sorry for your loss – I lost my love of my life – Buster right before Hurricane Wilma – blockage – he was a beautiful Maine Coon and a week before Hurricane Willma a little kitten was born and stranded behind Boston Mkt until Xmas Eve – Well in Jan – almost to the exact day I adopted Buster – i rescued him and he is a pisser of a cat – not my Buster but I love him dearly – Hope Connor and Buster are having a great time and in the meantime – I must cuddle with my Mars
So sorry to hear about your loss. I had to make the same decision a few yrs back. My 16 yr old Nike had a huge mass n her abdomen. As hard as it is, you saved him from a lot of pain. You have lots of great pics and memories. Remember all the happy times you gave him that made him such an awesome dog.
My condolences on your loss. Take comfort in knowing you will reunite with Conner in the hereafter for eternity.
May you find another best friend to share new memories….
Thanks Rhonda, I only wish I’d had more time with him. I feel like 11 years is so young!
Thanks Gail. Mars sounds like a cool cat 🙂
Scott you are so right, he was so much more than a best friend. Words can’t describe.
Thanks for reaching out Lori. I know you understand. 11 years was too young too lose him but I guess we don’t get to make those decisions.
Thanks Myra. He was quite a stunning dog. Everyone always said he was so pretty :).
Thanks Jim. It is awful, just awful.
Thanks Alan. Connor was like my kid. It has been tough. I know he must be in heaven now but I still miss him like crazy.
Thanks Sherri.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My wife and myself just experienced the same thing. It unbelievable what a huge part of our lives they become. People who don’t experience this type of partnership and love are missing out on a very special experience in life. Take care!
Thanks Steve. You are so right, he enriched my life in so many ways, it hurts to much to lose him.
We know how empty you feel, all of a sudden the house is larger and we have too much room; we lost our Angel 10 days ago. She got into a tray of Decon hidden under the bed, to say we were shocked is an understatement. Our other lab, Annie, has never even looked at the mouse bait in five years, but Angel was a puppy and labs are interested in everything. Sent in for a routine surgery, failed to clot and died the next morning we are heartbroken. I know she is in heaven and we’ll see her again that’s the only solace.
Oh God that is so terrible, I am so sorry and send my condolences. That is a terrible thing to go through. Sending prayers your way….
Robin & Scott,
So, so sorry! What a beautiful face, such a sweetie. It’s very hard when you love someone so much.
Kathy & Don
Thanks Kathy. Appreciate your thoughts. 🙂 He was a gem.
That hit me in the pit of my stomach when I saw it on Facebook earlier this week. My best dog ever, Misty, died 15 years ago, next month. Still miss that dog but the pain is long gone, they will always be a part of you. Thinking of you and Scott, I know it has been hard.
I’m so sorry Robyn. They are so much a part of our families. This has just happened to me also. My little Chili left us on August 4. He had a brain disease and just like you, he was fine on Saturday and starting on a Sunday we went through two weeks of unbelievable stress and angst, hospital stays, IV’s ….. Finally there was nothing else to do but hope. Chili died peacefully at home. Our family pack is so broken right now. We all feel lost and our hearts are sad and heavy. I have to believe they know that we did all we could and loved them with all our hearts. I’ve been unable to post anything on my blog or on FB…. just too hard to look at a photo right now. Hugs to you and your family.
Came across the story of your beloved dog. I feel for you although time has now passed. I’ve lost four dogs during my life
and the pain was always there. The greatest companion one can have without a doubt! Remember them with love and shed a
tear remembering their devotion to you. You were their universe!
Thanks so much for the kind words. Overtime I drink red wine I get sad and cry about Mr Connor. He was such an awesome dog and I lost him so suddenly.