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Pork Belly Burnt Ends

Serves 12 Serving Size: 5 burnt ends Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 5 hours Smoking Wood: Cherry or Apple Smoker Temp: 250
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time5 hours
Total Time5 hours 30 minutes
Author: Robyn Lindars


Pan Sauce:


  • Slice the pork belly into 1 ½” pieces. Place in a large bowl and toss in olive oil, then add rub and make sure all pieces are covered in it.
  • Smoke the pork belly pieces at 250 for 2 hours or until all the fat has rendered off and a crust is beginning to form.
  • Place the pork belly burnt ends in the foil pan. Combine the bbq sauce, bourbon, molasses, and hot sauce and pour over the burnt ends.
  • Smoke for another 2 hours covered in foil.
  • After 2 hours, remove the foil and let cook uncovered for another 30 minutes to thicken up the sauce.


Burnt ends are great served as an appetizer; put in a nice bowl and put out toothpicks. They can also be purposed as a full meal by serving on sandwich buns with additional sauce.
There are rarely burnt end leftovers, but if there are put them on a flatbread pizza or as a garnish on a toothpick for bloody marys.