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Kicking off the Tailgating 2.0 Series with Bristol Bash 'em Up Paninis

Author: Robyn


  • 1 10 " loaf of french bread
  • 2 cups cooked chicken
  • 1 to 2 TBSP of BBQ Rub I used Albukirky Rub tonight
  • 3 slices bacon cooked
  • 3 slices pepper jack cheese
  • 1 sweet onion vidalia, Texas sweets, etc sliced into 1/4" slices
  • 4 slices pickles
  • ½ cup barbecue sauce
  • 1 oz Apple Pie Moonshine
  • 1 brick wrapped in foil


  • Set up your grillfor medium high heat.  Place the foil wrapped brick on the grill and allow it and the grate to preheat for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Whisk together the Apple Pie Moonshine and the barbecue sauce.  The apple and cinnamon seem to enrich the flavors of the barbecue sauce while the "shine" gives it a twang or kick.  TIP:  For tailgating, do this at home and toss it in a cheap squirt bottle.
  • Grill the onion slices for a few minutes per side until tender.
  • Grill the pickle slices for about 2 minutes per side.  Yes....grill your pickles.  No, I'm serious.
  • Assemble your sandwich as follows: chicken, bbq rub, bacon, Hi-octane bbq sauce, cheese, onions, pickles, second round of Hi-octane bbq sauce
  • Cut the sandwich in half.  Place on the grill and top with the brick.  Grill for 45 seconds or long enough to toast the bottom.
  • Flip, top with the brick and grill another 45 seconds.
  • Pair with a side and enjoy! Be sure to check out Chris' site, NibbleMeThis for more mouthwatering recipes!